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Geoffrey James
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Geoffrey James
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Hometown - Cleveland, OH

Professional Goals - I love playing confident idiots, so the dream is to do that consistently on an absurdist sitcom. I’m also organizing a west coast tour of my chaotic game show podcast, The Headgum Podcast. If neither of those work out, I’ve heard there’s a lot of money to be made in gambling.

Comedic Inspiration - Jake and Amir, Sam Richardson, Kate Berlant

Interesting Fact - I used to yo-yo competitively, which is even sadder when you consider my best performance was a 198th place finish in the 2010 World Yo-Yo Contest.

Favorite TV Shows, Movies, or Plays - Detroiters, New Girl, The Other Two

Socials - IG: @geoffreyjames / Twitter: @geoffboyardee / TikTok: @iamgeoffreyjames
